
Toshimasa Komiya – RIN2 min read

September 28, 2009 2 min read


Toshimasa Komiya – RIN2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I picked up this doujin on a whim with several other items from Comiket 75. I’d never heard of Toshimasa Komiya, but the Hatsune Miku picture on the cover caught my eye.

I bought it hoping for more Vocaloid illustrations and there are plenty. Toshimasa included several of Hatsune Miku illustrations and even one of Black Rock Shooter.

The minimal use of colors in these illustrations is also unique. Even in the pictures that aren’t Hatsune Miku related, the color palette consists of just turquoise, red and black.

After some looking about, I found out some of the characters are from Toshimasa’s original series, ELIZABETH.

The rest of the book is black and white. The index includes black and white sketches of the color illustrations, along with the artist’s comments on the work. It’s 24 pages total, with about 8 of those in color.