
S.E.C. – INFLUENCE3 min read

October 5, 2009 2 min read


S.E.C. – INFLUENCE3 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Nagi Ryou is best know for the game designs of Ar Tonelico. If you haven’t seen those, then he’s probably pretty new to you. Nagi Ryou also has a circle called S.E.C. to publish his fan art.

Influence was a Comiket 76 release, featuring Nagi Ryou’s take on anime and art work that influences him. Neon Genesis Evangelion looks like the greatest influence as it gets the most pages.

The Comiket release version included a post card, which looks almost identical to the cover except Asuka and Rei are wearing the prototype plug suits introduced in the second movie.

The cover illustrations are also featured inside the book separately, with Rei on the very first page and Asuka on the very last page.

Most of the illustrations in the book are spreads. So, even though the page count is 16 and full color, it doesn’t add up to that many images. The first two spreads are an additional illustration of Asuka and Rei, and Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell.

After that, we have a spread of Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and then one from the 90’s anime Bastard!! Nagi Ryou’s style really flatters the original designs.

The book ends with spreads from Nadia Secret of Blue WaterBlack Rock Shooter, and a single page image of Mio from K-ON!

Overall, I like the art, but it’s really on the short side. I expected more illustrations, since I had no way of knowing most of the illustrations would be spreads.

  • Title: INFLUENCE
  • タイトル: 「INFLUENCE」
  • Release Date: 08/15/2009
  • Pages: 16