Art Books

Zero no Tsukaima Louise Portraits4 min read

October 15, 2009 3 min read


Zero no Tsukaima Louise Portraits4 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Photo portrait books of popular celebrities are a popular thing in Japan, but recently these books started popping up for anime characters. The main selling point for idol portrait collections is that the pictures are mostly new, and exclusive. So for the anime collection, they’ve taken the same approach.

The Zero no Tsukaima Louise Portraits includes ten new illustrations made exclusively for this book. But there are also illustrations featuring Louise that were previously in magazines in the latter half of the book. In this way, it’s quite similar to Sora Kake Girl Girl’s Collection, with lots of new illustrations. The only difference is this one is focused on just the lead character. But I’m sure there are plenty of Louise fans out there.

All the pictures have fan-service, and include outfits Louise never wore in the series. I absolutely love the wedding dress portrait.

I really love this style of book. Normally, if you want to see new illustrations of your favorite characters, you’ll have to wait for an animator’s collection. Even then, those usually just include at most one or two new illustrations.

These “portrait” books don’t tend to be very lengthy. This one is 64 pages long, and full color. On that same note, it’s not nearly as expensive as a regular art book; it retails for just ¥1,890.

After the “photos,” section, we get images of Louise in the different outfits she did wear in the show. There are a few pages of screen shots with Louise’s tsundere moments. The thumbnail index has the new illustrations as sketches, and the older illustrations in thumbnail crops.