
Black Rock Shooter Visual Works 24 min read

January 26, 2010 3 min read


Black Rock Shooter Visual Works 24 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Huke’s Comiket 77 release was Black Rock Shooter Visual Works 2, and similar to the first volume, its content consists of the characters that make up the BRS world. There is a great focus on the villains in this volume, and impressively, none of the Black Rock Shooterillustrations that appeared in Huke’s PICSIX are in this book, so there is no overlap.

Even though I ordered this from Toranoana, it still included the plastic slip cover and it fits nicely over this 32-page (covers included), staple-bound doujinshi. It’s the same kind as the plastic covers over the LEAF Illustrations art book series, only smaller.

I was wondering, does any one know the names of the Black Rock Shooter villains? Would be nice to be able to refer to them properly. Abbreviations for the names are included on the pictures though: BGS, OM, and STR. A lot of the promotional Black Rock Shooterillustrations from the past year are in this collection too. The illustrations for the stick posters that were sold at the November Pixiv event are also included. There are a couple of line art pages in Black Rock Shooter Visual Works 2, like there were in PICSIX.

New villian? Kind of feel sorry for her (STR), having to lug those huge fists around… Maybe it’s a metaphor for something 😀

Insane Black Rock Shooter is above center, with the purple eye flame. That was (thankfully) one of the few pictures in this collection that was on Huke’s Pixiv as well. I really enjoyed this collection, even more so than the first volume. Huke’s style seems even darker, yet much more appropriate than the almost chibi-look that Black Rock Shooter started with in the music video.

  • Title: Black Rock Shooter Visual Works 2
  • タイトル: Black Rock Shooter Visual Works 2
  • Pages: 32 (including covers)
  • Release Date: 12/31/2009
  • Buy: eBay