
CARNELIAN – Benigyokuzui Vol. 252 min read

February 10, 2010 2 min read


CARNELIAN – Benigyokuzui Vol. 252 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Carnelian’s newest release Benigyokuzui Vol. 25 is fan art centric, featuring popular characters such as Ranka Lee, Sheryl Nome, and Bayonetta. Unlike Carnelian’s previous Benigyokuzui volumes, it’s A4-size and printed on glossy pages, instead of textured pages.

Carnelian’s Bayonetta fan art appears a couple of times in this 26-page collection. The cover art repeats inside without text, but there is another illustration of Bayonetta in a traditional game pose.

This doujinshi has a layout with an illustration on every other page. On one page you’ll see the full illustration and on the next you’ll see the same illustration cropped or zoomed in with Carnelian’s commentary over it. I’m not a fan of the style, but I’m definitely getting used to seeing it in her releases.

Even with my whining, I was still happy to see so many new illustrations for this book. More Sheryl and Ranka and others from newer series like Bakemonogatari

One of my favorites above, Rei Ayanami in Alice in Wonderland-style. Carnelian included an illustration of Link from Legend of Zelda looking ravished, a feminine illustration of Kazuma Ikezawa from Summer Wars, and Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4.

Benigyokuzui Vol. 25 ends with an illustration from Testament Sphere, and a sketchy Para-sol art work. In total there are only 14 illustrations on these 26 pages, so if you’re the kind of person who measures pictures per dollar, this one isn’t for you. Like with most Carnelian doujinshi, it was released at Comiket 77, but not resold in the in the shops afterward, so you have to hunt it down on either Yahoo Japan Auctions or maybe get lucky with Mandarake.

  • Title: Benigyokuzui Vol. 25
  • タイトル: Benigyokuzui Vol. 25
  • Release Date: 12/31/2009
  • Pages: 26