
CUTEG – Angelism Girl’s Collection 3.02 min read

February 14, 2010 2 min read


CUTEG – Angelism Girl’s Collection 3.02 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

CUTEG’s Comiket 79 release, Angelism Girl’s Collection 3.0 may well have been a K-ON! fan book! There are so many illustrations featuring the cast. Not that I’m complaining! CUTEG’s K-ON! art work is my favorite from any fan artist, as she strikes a great balance between adorable and beautiful.

Angelism CUTEG’s Girl’s Collection 3.0 is a B5-sized, staple-bound book that is 20-pages when counting the covers. The pages are thick, almost poster-like in strength, and thankfully free of texture. The front and back covers have the same illustration, and the cover illustration repeats inside as well with a slight variation.

Each main K-ON! character receives a solo portrait. The Ritsu illustration is my favorite, she really looks girly and yet not out of character. It’s not hard to find great fan arts of Asuza or Mio, so I tend to appreciate the Ritsu and Mugi ones more. As nice as the K-ON! illustrations are, each illustration has an overlapping CD cover version.

CUTEG includes a few original works after the K-ON! section, but then moves into Touhou. In total, there are 12 illustrations, not including the alternate version of the cover, or small piece on the last page. Though it feels shorter than some of CUTEG’s collections, Angelism CUTEG’s Girl’s Collection 3.0 will definitely satisfy that bi-yearly need for more CUTEG art work!

  • Title: Angelism CUTEG’s Girl’s Collection 3.0
  • タイトル: Angelism CUTEG’s Girl’s Collection 3.0
  • Pages: 20 (including covers)
  • Release date: 2010/12/31