
Zangetsu Schnee – Zinno2 min read

February 19, 2010 2 min read


Zangetsu Schnee – Zinno2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Zangetsu Schnee is filled with colorful illustrations of characters from some of Zinno’s favorite shows from last season. BakemonogatariDarker than Black: Ryūsei no Gemini, and Needless to name a few. Like previous Zangetsu volumes, it’s short with 16-pages total including the covers.

The cover art along with the first two illustrations of the book are all from Bakemonogatari. The front and back inside covers have Bakemonogatari art on them as well, but they’re chibi character heads. On the fuller illustrations, we have Senjougahara alone, and Nadeko, Shinobu and Mayoi together in a two-page spread.

Zinno’s doujinshi are short, so I don’t get them unless I can find them for a good price. The two Darker than Black spreads made me look for it, though.

I didn’t watch NEEDLESS, but that’s where the two girls on the top left are from. Above right are characters from a game called Signal Heart, for which Zinno is the character designer. And that’s really all there is to it! It’s short, but I really love Zinno’s art style. I have several of her older works that I hope to review sometime.

  • Title: ZANGETSU Schnee
  • タイトル: ZANGETSU Schnee
  • Release Date: 12/31/2009
  • Pages: 16 (including covers)