
Archive Illustrations – Kurogin3 min read

February 25, 2010 3 min read


Archive Illustrations – Kurogin3 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Kurogin’s C77 doujinshi, Archive Illustrations, primarily includes his color works from 2006 through 2009. So, I was able to get a very extensive introduction to this artist’s work.

This A4 sized doujinshi has a unique design. The front cover folds out like a poster, extending the cover art work to its full size. On the reverse side, the illustration “Journey of a Witch Remake” displays in a larger than A4 size. It makes use of the extension for a more elaborate presentation.

Archive Illustrations is 32 pages long including the covers. It includes 33 illustrations, though not all of them occupy a full page. There are 4 pages of monochrome art works which aren’t sketches but finished, inked illustrations.

Kurogin’s art works have a very sci-fi, fantasy-scape style to them. They incorporate detailed backgrounds and intricate mechanical armors with his characters. The opening illustration really does it best, with the gorgeous mechanized guardian angel. There are several spreads, but this volume is well aligned, so you don’t lose the illustration in the gutter.

The majority of the girl illustrations don’t include background art. Also, rather unexpectedly, there is also some fan art including Suiseiseki, Shinku, Suigintou, and Hinaichigo from Rozen Maiden.

The last section of Archive features 4 pages of monochrome art works. The credits page features a variation of the cover illustrations, where the mecha-girl has a visor over her eyes. This doujinshi really makes for an excellent introduction to Kurogin’s art work and shows a lot of versatility. The highlight is definitely his designs on mechanized girls.

  • Title: Archive
  • タイトル: Archive
  • Release Date: 12/31/2009
  • Pages: 32 (including covers)