
Hato Rami – CONCERT Illustrations2 min read

March 20, 2010 2 min read


Hato Rami – CONCERT Illustrations2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hato Rami’s CONCERT is the other half of her two part Comiket 78 release. While STAR★DUST focused entirely on fan art, all the illustrations in CONCERT are original characters. Hato Rami’s original designs are gorgeous, as usual.

Like STAR★DUST, Hato Rami’s CONCERT is also A4-size, but doesn’t have illustrations on the inside covers. Seems like a more traditional approach, overall. CONCERT is also the longer of the two, with 24 pages in total when counting the covers.

Most of the illustrations receive a full page publication, but a few have a split page display. It’s okay because the print quality is so high that the images would look perfect at a quarter of the size. Also, only two of the illustrations were two-page spreads.

I was quite surprised to see some of Hato Rami’s newest illustrations included, one of which was the angel-winged girl with the guitar which was released as a post card set with Plastic Moon’s Kazumi for Comiket 78. The other was her CD cover illustration for Eru Project’s STILL ALIVE which came out after C78.

The last few illustrations in the book were covers from earlier Hato Rami publications. In my case, I didn’t have several of them, so it was nice to see those illustrations in full.

I’d say CONCERT is the better of Hato Rami’s two Comiket 78 releases, mostly because it was longer and I prefer her original illustrations.

  • Title: CONCERT
  • タイトル: CONCERT
  • Release Date: 08/15/2010
  • Pages: 24 (including covers)