Art Books

SERENDIPITY Shigeki Maeshima Illustrations5 min read

March 29, 2010 3 min read


SERENDIPITY Shigeki Maeshima Illustrations5 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SERENDIPTY covers a multitude of works from the popular Tatakau Shisho The Book of Bantorra and more. His art style is reminiscent of Yamamoto Yamato, and a master of that mix between beauty and the beast.

SERENDIPITY features new art work from The Book of Bantorra for the cover along with 3 other new illustrations inside. The slip-cover of this 96 page, A4 size collection has a canvas style texture.

All of the new illustrations done for this art book are from Tatakau Shisho The Book of Bantorra. There are three portrait illustrations of the leading ladies. The other is a spread featuring Hamutz Meseta and Milepoch at a bar in impossible-to-wear cocktail dresses.

As you might expect, The Book of Bantorra is the meatiest portion of this collection. It covers the first 40 pages of this art book. The presentation is well-done with most illustrations receiving a full page or spread. On a few pages, images are two to three per page. Even then, the arrangement keeps them well sized to at least half a page. It’s nice to see plenty of cover art works included as well.

Surprising to see characters from Magna Carta in here too, with four illustrations on two pages. Shigeki Maeshima can really emulate Hyung-tae Kim’s style, especially in the coloring. The next pages feature fantasy themed art works and some sci-fi illustrations from one-shot covers.

One of my favorites from this book! It’s from the cover of the light novel Mushinin.

I hoped to see more DRAGONFLY illustrations in this art book, but there were only a couple.

I had high expectations for SERENDIPITY, because I know Shigeki Maeshima‘s art is amazing. This really lived up to my expectations both in presentation and art work selection.

  • Title: SERENDIPITY Shigeki Maeshima Illustrations
  • タイトル: SERENDIPITY 前嶋重機画集
  • Pages: 96
  • Release date: 03/25/2010