
Marchen Original Illustrations by Colorcube2 min read

April 8, 2010 2 min read


Marchen Original Illustrations by Colorcube2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Koto was a relatively new artist to me when I first decided to pick up Marchen Original Illustrations. My previous exposure to her art work was from the first Pixiv Girls Collectionart book. She had one piece showcased, and six illustrations in the Pixiv 2009 Year Book. Many of the illustrations in Marchen are on her Pixiv account and on her website. I still think they look better in print!

Marchen released at the Pixiv Market, which took place in November of last year. It’s a staple-bound, B5-sized, full color doujinshi that’s 24-pages when counting the covers. Every page, covers included, has an illustration.

The coloring along with the unique settings and more finished backgrounds does help to set Koto’s art work apart from other artists. The pictures of the girl on the flower swing was the sample image that really sold me on buying Marchen.

Like I mentioned earlier, nearly every page has illustrations. The book also contains five spreads, including the cover art. All the other illustrations are printed on full pages, so it really is the best presentation for the art works. There is one page with a guest artist contribution of one of Koto’s characters (which are all named in the index) but it’s pretty average.

I quite like Koto’s art work as she really has a cute style that considers background design elements. This is definitely an artist I’ll be keeping an eye on.

  • Title: Marchen Original Illustrations by Colorcube
  • タイトル: Marchen Original Illustrations by Colorcube
  • Pages: 24
  • Release date: 11/15/2009