Art Books

SPLASH ONE Jiji Art Works4 min read

May 17, 2010 3 min read


SPLASH ONE Jiji Art Works4 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SPLASH ONE Jiji Art Works is a beautiful collection of Mecha Musume that appeared in the MC☆AXIS (MC☆あくしず) magazine. MC☆AXIS is a self-styled moe military magazine, and Jiji’s illustrations have always been my favorite from the genre.

One of my favorite aspects of Jiji’s illustrations are his light color outlines. They really open up the illustrations, making the Mecha Musume girls fit seamlessly into their environments.

SPLASH ONE Jiji Art Works retails for ¥2940 and is 130 pages long. It’s full color and entirely art work. The image publication information is next to each illustration, which eliminates the need for an index.

The oldest art work in the book only dates back to around 2006, which is a good thing because it’s Jiji’s more recent work that has the cute factor completely mastered. Though I haven’t reviewed them yet, you can see his older style art work in some of the older Magi-Cu Illustrations art books.

Even though MC☆AXIS is a “moe” military magazine, there are still aspects that are just military, so expect to see a few illustrations of planes, and space ships without girls ^^ There’s also a page or two with full-on mechanized robots. There are only 8 pages in total with military machines that don’t include Mecha Musume.

This book has some nudity, most from COMIC Aun illustrations. There aren’t many spreads in the book, but they have overlap, so nothing looks too cut-off.

SPLASH ONE Jiji Art Works ends with 8 pages of mini-comics that ran in MC☆AXIS. For me, this is a great art book. Its focus on Jiji’s newer works along with so many gorgeous Mecha Musume just make it a must have in my opinion.

  • Title: SPLASH ONE Jiji Art Works
  • タイトル: SPLASH ONE じじ アートワークス
  • Pages: 130
  • Release date: 04/30/2010