Art Books

YUKIRIN Art Works2 min read

May 19, 2010 2 min read


YUKIRIN Art Works2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

YUKIRIN Art Works was a disappointing art book. YUKIRIN isn’t a bad artist, but the content was lacking, along with the presentation quality. Several of the illustrations scaled poorly and as a result, they have heavy pixelation.

It should be noted that this art book is a PUSH! publication and like most of the art books from them, there’s adult content thrown into the mix. YUKIRIN Art Works splits about evenly on adult content and non-adult content. But it’s really most of the non-adult images that have poor printing. They’re also mostly pages with character poses, showing costumes at different angles and the like.

Full page illustrations with backgrounds are few and far between in YUKIRIN Art Works. Mostly tiled character profile images on white backgrounds. This book is 130 pages in total, with 114 pages in color and the rest in black and white. The monochrome section contains some line arts from the finished illustrations along with a couple of pages of comics. The only redeeming portion of the book is “Other Works” containing nine non-game related illustrations.

Even if you’re a YUKIRIN fan, you’d probably be disappointed with this haphazard production.

  • Title: YUKIRIN Art Works
  • タイトル: YUKIRINアートワークス
  • Pages: 130
  • Release date: 05/07/2010