
Touhou Jibun Katte Emaki2 min read

August 24, 2010 2 min read


Touhou Jibun Katte Emaki2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Touhou Jibun Katte Emaki was a joint release illustration book between Momiji Mao and Ganjii for COMIC1☆4. This 16 page illustration collection features dynamic portraits of several of the Touhou characters along with a cross-talk interview with the two artists involved.

I have a few doujinshi from Momiji Mao, but this was the first I’ve bought from Ganjii, though I had seen his work before. Momiji and Ganjii have very distinct styles, so there’s little chance you could confuse the art work by the two. Momiji Mao’s style is soft and sketchy, with a more detailed, watercolor like finish. His character designs tend to be on the curvy side.

Ganjii has a very sharp style that looks like vector art. The lines are thick, shadows are black, and colors are cel-shaded with gradients. The cover art work combines both artists’ work and doesn’t look out of place. Even though I bought it with Momiji Mao’s art in mind, I ended up liking Ganjii’s take on the Touhou characters a lot more.

Although it’s a cute little collection, I wouldn’t really recommend it. I tend to buy doujinshi like this because I enjoy following artists as they take on different genres (though to be honest, I’ve seen Momiji Mao’s Touhou illustrations before, I was just thinking these would be more updated).

  • Title: Touhou Jibun Katte Emaki
  • タイトル: 東方自分勝手絵巻
  • Pages: 16 (including covers)
  • Release dates: 04/29/2010