Art Books

Moeru iPhone Reader5 min read

December 21, 2010 3 min read


Moeru iPhone Reader5 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Moeru iPhone Reader, is the newest in the ever growing series of artist collections featuring girls using some kind of everyday item. Moeru iPhone Reader is great advertising for Apple–an iPhone is prominently placed with every girl–so the individual aspects of the illustration focus on the app being showcased, and how the girl is using (or not using) it.

iPhone Reader is a B5-sized book, full color, and 130 pages. The cover art work is by Nagi Ryou, and appears without the cover text in a smaller size on the first page. There is the usual mix of artists that these books tend to have, with famous artists along side new names. Pictured above are Nagi, Kazuhara Kina, and Mota. Other artists at the beginning of the book were Virus, Sody, Moso, Yuhi Alfa, Yukiu Con, and Yazzz.

The layout is what you would expect from this kind of book by now; one page features the illustration and the other page focuses on the iPhone app with screen shots and information about it. As usual, I’m not in it for the information, so I can’t judge that part of the book. The illustration above is by Quiqui.

The illustrations above by Kamo, and Fuji Choko. Fuji Choko (along with several other artists) has really become a regular in these types of publications; aside from this book, she’s also done illustrations for Moeru Classic Heroine Collection and Railway Girls and Scenery Pictorial Book.

Yoshinori Shizuma and Jyuu Ayakura have also been making semi-regular appearances in these kind of books. Yoshinori Shizuma’s illustration actually had nothing to do with the corresponding app being reviewed, which makes me think illustrations were made without corresponding apps.

The book ends with interviews with Sakuya Tsuitachi, refeia, and Yoshitoshi Abe—none of whom had an illustration in the book. The index provides the artists’ websites and Pixiv accounts when available, so it becomes another useful tool for exploration. Moeru iPhone Reader is a pretty standard collection in this genre, but there are enough standout works to make it worthwhile.

  • Title: Moeru iPhone Reader
  • タイトル: 萌えるiPhone読本
  • Pages: 130
  • Release date: 12/14/2010