
Itoh Ben – SQUARE ENIX Fantasm -Preview-2 min read

March 6, 2011 2 min read


Itoh Ben – SQUARE ENIX Fantasm -Preview-2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I grabbed Itoh Ben’s SQUARE ENIX Fantasm -Preview- knowing his previews tend to be a re-hash of previous books. Anything new gets re-printed in the non-preview version of the doujinshi. Knowing all that, my motivation was the price tag of ¥294 on Toranoana, which is an amazingly small amount to pay for anything really.

This A4-sized, staple-bound book is 16 pages counting the covers. As I’d anticipated, it contains several repeated illustrations. The Final Fantasy XII works included were printed before in Itoh Ben’s winter 2006 release G3 [Phase-1].

There are three illustrations for Final Fantasy Tactics, though one of them is from Tactics Advance. These were some of the illustrations from SQUARE ENIX Fantasm -Preview- that I haven’t seen before, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have been from a volume I missed. Itoh Ben takes advantage of the A4 pages to create a poster-like spread for one of the more detailed illustrations.

The other SQUARE ENIX title outside of the Final Fantasy was Vagrant Story with two illustrations. There are a lot of old illustrations and they haven’t been updated.

Title: SQUARE ENIX Fantasm -Preview-
タイトル: SQUARE ENIX Fantasm -Preview-
Author: Itoh Ben
Publication Date: 08/15/2010
Size: 16p
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