
Miyu – Blue Garnet Visual Book3 min read

March 10, 2011 2 min read


Miyu – Blue Garnet Visual Book3 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Blue Garnet released for Comiket 79 and marks the 14th original visual book by Miyu, which is quite a feat for a doujinshi artist. Although, perhaps slightly less of a feat considering some of her books are in the 12-page range. But luckily, Blue Garnet is not one of the shorter ones.

Miyu’s Blue Garnet is B5-size and 24 pages. The cover illustration repeats inside which is good since the version on the cover is a crop of the full image inside. The book is in color to page 15, then it switches over to monochrome works, sketches, and the index.

Miyu’s style stays consistent with her more recent releases; plenty of lacy, detailed dresses in soft pastel colors with a focus on a warmer palette. Additionally, her adorable nekomimi and inumimi girls have made a comeback along with a lovely Year of the Rabbit illustration featuring a girl with floppy bunny ears. Blue Garnet features a total of nine color illustrations on twelve pages, which is the same amount as her summer Comiket 78 release Mitsu*Mitsu Visual Book.

Miyu includes a couple of monochrome illustrations to go along with the sketches. The index includes the artist’s commentary, and the final page is a message from the artist. Overall, although Miyu sticks to the same formula, it’s a good one. Blue Garnet makes for another enjoyable installment in her visual book series.

Title: Blue Garnet
タイトル: Blue Garnet
Author: Miyu
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
Size: 24p
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