
Caprice Illustration Works – Kaori Minakami3 min read

March 22, 2011 2 min read


Caprice Illustration Works – Kaori Minakami3 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’ve always wondered what an artist does when she has reached the pinnacle of her style. Does she start over, perfecting a new and unique style, or continue on that same path? Is it about challenging oneself and experimentation or more about guaranteed success? I can’t help but think that while looking at Kaori Minakami’s newest release Caprice which, while it is beautiful, certainly feels like it lacks inspiration even in comparison to her slim Comiket 78 release.

Caprice is B5-size, full-color and 28 pages including the covers. The cover is gorgeous, featuring a butterfly-winged girl on a magenta theme. After that, though, the art work is more everyday fare with some commercial illustrations from how-to book series like Let’s Make ★ Character.

These illustrations came from Kaori Minakami’s participation in compilation and tutorial books. There isn’t an intentional theme to the works, although there are a lot of wings. Many of the illustrations in this book are older than her works from Corsetier meets the Fairy Tales.

Most illustrations receive a full page, but there are some smaller and rougher illustrations fit to half a page. There are also a couple of Moyashimon fan arts, which are pretty cute. There’s nothing really wrong with Caprice, I’m just feeling tired of seeing what I’d expect and hoping to see Kaori Minakami return to pushing the creative limits like she did in her Mixture Vocaloid Fan Book.

Title: Caprice
タイトル: Caprice
Author: Kaori Minakami
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
Size: 28p
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