
Lenso Girl – Himemi Sakamoto Illustrations2 min read

March 22, 2011 2 min read


Lenso Girl – Himemi Sakamoto Illustrations2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’ve been keeping tabs on Pixiv artists, it’d be hard to miss out on the work of Sakamoto Himemi—recently featured in Quarterly Pixiv Vol. 03. Her girls sit on elaborate, detailed backdrops that resemble more fantasy than reality.

Lenso Girl Himemi Sakamoto Illustrations released at Comiket 78 and is a small, A5-size collection with 16-pages and fold-outs. Every page has illustrations including the inside covers. The front cover folds out into two illustrations and the opposite side has a poster-like spread. Each illustration in the book gets a page and the printed pages are very high quality with an ink-like finish.

Sakamoto Himemi’s style of girl strongly reminds me of Yusuke Nakamura, who is probably best know for his CD illustrations for Asian Kung-Fu Generation. The girls, for both artists, have a traditional Japanese style. There’s an emphasis on black hair and white skin and little in the way of facial features. But while Yusuke Nakamura’s coloring style is flat, Sakamoto Himemi transports these flatly colored girls onto lush, painted surroundings.

Sakamoto Himemi’s art works make for a nice change of pace from the usual moe look. Her doujinshi was on Keibunsha Bambio after Comiket 78. Although, at this point you’ll probably have resort to auctions.

Title: Lenso Girl Himemi Sakamoto Illustrations
タイトル: Lenso Girl Himemi Sakamoto Illustrations
Author: Himemi Sakamoto
Publication Date: 
Size: 16p
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