Art Books

Tegami Bachi Illustrations Shine5 min read

March 28, 2011 3 min read


Tegami Bachi Illustrations Shine5 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Tegami Bachi, also known as Letter Bee, is an ongoing manga by Asada Hiroyuki. Nearly five years after its premiere we have an art book, Tegami Bachi Illustrations Shine. The anime version of Letter Bee helped create a market for the book because there really isn’t a lot of content for the series.

The presentation for Tegami Bachi Illustrations Shine is impressive for its pre-tax retail price of ¥2667. The book is A4-size and hardcover. All 112 pages are in color and there are two fold-out posters at the beginning.

Based on the index, there are 70 illustrations, although that includes illustrations of constellations. The spreads have no overlap and with the tight binding it makes it so every spread looks cut off.

Many of the illustrations are next to empty, black pages, but some of them have designs or words. It looks neat when the light catches a page at the right angle. Some of the color panels from the manga have the dialogue removed from the speech bubbles, except when it’s in English.

At the end of the book is the portrait series used for the Tegami Bachi DVDs. Though there are design aspects of the Tegami Bachi Illustrations Shine art book that I don’t enjoy, the art is not a let down. The art work has a beautiful atmosphere and coloring that makes it instantly recognizable and the black borders surrounding each piece brought it out even more. Though there could always be more art work, I’m sure most fans of the artist and the series would enjoy this art book.

Title: Tegami Bachi Illustrations Shine
タイトル: テガミバチイラスト集 Shine
Author: Asada Hiroyuki
Publication Date: 03/04/2011
Size: 112p