
Haritama Hiroki – Mile Stone3 min read

May 9, 2011 2 min read


Haritama Hiroki – Mile Stone3 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I don’t want to call it a “comeback” but Haritama Hiroki’s Comiket 79 release Mile Stone is probably the first illustration collection I’ve seen from him since his 2004 art book Splendor. Though the works collected in Mile Stone aren’t all new, they bridge the gap between between his last publication and the present.

Mile Stone is an A4-sized doujinshi and 28 pages. It’s full color and presented one illustration per page. The cover art is new and a less cropped version of the illustration is repeated on the first page.

I’ve seen several of the illustrations before mostly in Toranoana publications, as they feature the tiger-girl mascot. Another reoccurring theme in Mile Stone is meganekko, with a noticeable eight illustrations featuring spectacled heroines. And fair warning, there are a couple of girls who’ve misplaced their clothes.

In total, there are 21 illustrations ranging from 2005 to 2008, with the exception of the cover art. It’s a good amount for a doujinshi, but I do hope we can expect more new art works in future doujins.

Title: Mile Stone
タイトル: Mile Stone
Author: Haritama Hiroki
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
Size: 28p
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