
Takoyaki – Summery Tint2 min read

May 29, 2011 2 min read


Takoyaki – Summery Tint2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Takoyaki is consistently releases beautiful new illustrations for every Comiket, at least in recent memory. Summery Tint is no exception, focusing on girls in a variety of summer activities with the color, tones, and lighting of the season to match it.

Summery Tint is B5-size, 20 pages, and staple-bound. There is an alternate version of the cover illustration inside with the cover girl in a swimsuit instead of a dress. There are 13 illustrations (not including the alternate cover art) which is plenty for a doujinshi, especially when so many illustrations are new.

I’ve said it before, but the lighting is the best aspect of Takoyaki’s work. His designs are great, but his illustrations have a sense of real surroundings and feel like a certain time of day. I especially love the underwater illustration in this collection, with its beautiful range of color and soft tones.

Most of the illustrations are original characters but there is an adorable illustration of Kanade from Angel Beats! towards the end. Summery Tint is another impressive collection from Takoyaki and it’s still worth getting if you like to collect his works.

Title: Summery Tint
タイトル: Summery Tint
Author: Takoyaki
Publication Date: 08/15/2010
Size: 20p
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