Art Books

Eshi 100 – Contemporary Japanese Illustration6 min read

June 13, 2011 3 min read


Eshi 100 – Contemporary Japanese Illustration6 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Eshi 100 Gallery Exhibition opened in the Akihabara UDX building and ran for five days in May. It showcased new illustrations from some of the most recognized artists in Japan. The exhibition theme is ‘Japan’, allowing for amazing creativity from the artists along with different conceptual representations. This gorgeous exhibition makes up Eshi 100 – Contemporary Japanese Illustration.

Eshi 100 is a heavy 232 pages and A4-size. Everything has English translations, including the artists’ comments. There isn’t any cover art. Every artist receives the same display for their work: one illustration and one profile page.

It’s rare to say this about a collection but you will recognize nearly all 100 artists included. The artists selected are modern-day masters, so their work stands out. Reading each artist’s comments about the illustration adds to the experience. In many cases, it allows you to evaluate the art in a different context.

Some artists mention that they want to evoke a feeling of “precious memories” with their illustrations. Above are illustrations from Koume KeitoG Yusuke, and Tsuji Santa.

I love this illustration by PutiDevil. It’s a change from her usual work, but beautiful nonetheless. Unfortunately, she’s also one of the few artists in the book that didn’t provide a comment!

Itoh Ben‘s illustration included several of the motifs about Japanese art he loves, such as sword wielding girls, pigtails, ninjas, and mecha.

Suzuhira Hiro and Nishimata Aoi, having near iconic status on the eshi scene, submitted beautiful illustrations. The wa lolita style dress and coloring in Suzuhira Hiro‘s art work “simultaneously creates an image of Mt. Fuji.” Nishimata Aoi‘s piece also centers around Mt. Fuji, “in the hope [of] capturing the flavor of this symbol of mysterious Japan.”

I could write so much more about this book. Reading the artist’s insights while tracing the details in each illustration enhances the experience. I wholeheartedly recommend this book, it’s easily the best collection I’ve purchased in years.

Title: Eshi 100 - Contemporary Japanese Illustration
タイトル: 絵師100人展
Author: -
Publication Date: 05/03/2011
Size: 232p
NDL: -