
Shirabii – Life is Free Illustrations2 min read

June 29, 2011 2 min read


Shirabii – Life is Free Illustrations2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Shirabii released a full-color original illustration collection titled L.i.F. Life is Free for COMITIA 96. Although it’s a short doujinshi, all of the illustrations have a full page or spreads!

L.i.F. Life is Free is B5-sized, staple bound and 16 pages. The inside front and back covers are used for the intro and the index, respectively. In all, there are eleven illustrations, and only one of those is a spread.

Outside of light novels, I’ve only ever seen Shirabii’s works in the pictorial books like Moeru iPhone Reader. To be honest, his illustration in that book wasn’t particularly memorable. It was actually Shirabii’s work in The Sneaker for Yoake no Shinigami that made me want to pick up L.i.F. Life is Free. Even though the school girl theme has been done to death, Shirabii really sets up his scenes. The girls have unique poses and angles with brilliant coloring, like the sword-wielding girl in the opening picture.

I didn’t expect much out of COMITIA 96, but this was one of those releases that made me glad I was paying attention!

Title: L.i.F. Life is Free Illustrations
タイトル: L.i.F.
Author: Shirabii
Publication Date: 05/05/2011
Size: 16p
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