Art Books

Indico Lite Key ― Mitha Illustrations5 min read

September 3, 2011 3 min read


Indico Lite Key ― Mitha Illustrations5 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I was prepared to not like Indico Lite Key ― Mitha Illustrations, mostly because I anticipated there would be an abundance of old illustrations, since this is Mitha‘s first art book. But it’s actually a pretty good art book overall—although I might be saying that due to my lowered expectations.

Indico Lite Key ― Mitha Illustrations is A4-sized and 128-pages long. It’s full color and there isn’t an index. Instead the copyright information is on, and under the illustrations themselves.

One of the great things about Indico Lite Key is that pretty much every illustration gets a full page. There are only a few two-page spreads and they’re not printed with any overlap.

There are also several pages of art work from Mitha‘s commercial works, like Marginal SkipClear, and Gift. There’s also art by her from ShuffleFate/Stay NightOretachi ni Tsubasa wa NaiTristia of the Deep Blue SeaD.C. Da Capo and more.

More of Mitha‘s older works can be found in the latter half of the book. Like with Kantoku‘s recent STEP Kantoku Art Works, the older works appear right before the end so that you feel more like you’ve finished the book with newer art work. The older pieces are still well selected and fit in with the overall quality of the art book.

Pages 103, 113-115, 117, and 120 through 123 contain upscaled art work, with artifacting that looks like dirt and jagged outlines. You can also see traces of poor digital copies on some of the other illustrations, but these were the worst off. I haven’t seen upscaling this bad since Yukirin Art Works.

Title: Indico Lite Key ― Mitha Illustrations
タイトル: 青藍色の鍵―Mitha画集
Author: Mitha
Publication Date: 08/31/2011
Size: 128p