
CARNELIAN – Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 022 min read

September 23, 2011 2 min read


CARNELIAN – Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 022 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

CARNELIAN released Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 02 for Fancy Frontier 18. After the impressive full-color Version 01, the second volume feels like a disappointment. Although it’s technically full color, every other page features line-art.

Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 02 is 28-pages and B5 size. It’s staple-bound with high quality printing. There’s a mix of fan art and original works. CARNELIAN‘s illustration from Eshi 100 – Contemporary Japanese Illustration is in this, too.

Line art in a CARNELIAN doujinshi isn’t something new. Her more recent releases avoid it and I hoped it would continue. Line art on every other page really cuts the number of illustrations in half. And sellers never mention it in the description. Neither does CARNELIAN.

In total, there are 13 illustrations in the book. That’s about half of what was in Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 01, even though there’s only a difference of four pages. Unless you can get it for a good price, I don’t recommend Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 02.

Title: Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 02
タイトル: Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 02
Publication Date: 07/30/2011
Size: 28p
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