
Naru Nanao & Kokonobi – Twilight Cherry Blossoms3 min read

October 1, 2011 2 min read


Naru Nanao & Kokonobi – Twilight Cherry Blossoms3 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Naru Nanao & Kokonobi‘s Twilight Cherry Blossoms, re-prints illustrations from earlier doujin releases in addition to posters from Dengeki Moeoh (電撃萌王).

The Twilight Cherry Blossoms book has an interesting look, with square format, textured covers, and golden inlaid pages. It’s B5-sized in height and about 50-pages.

Many of the illustrations are full page. Since there are two illustrators involved, the pages are labeled by artist. Even though Naru Nano and Kokonobi‘s art has subtle differences, I think they wanted to take the guess work out of this collection!

The art work in Twilight Cherry Blossoms skips around, time-wise. The last section of the book has illustrations from 2005, although they look as polished as today’s illustrations by Kokonobi and Naru Nanao.

Title: Twilight Cherry Blossoms
タイトル: 宵桜
Author: Naru Nanao & Kokonobi
Publication Date: 05/01/2011
Size: 50p
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