
Miyu – Strawberry Waltz Illustrations2 min read

October 31, 2011 2 min read


Miyu – Strawberry Waltz Illustrations2 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Miyu‘s Strawberry Waltz is a brief collection original characters in frilly, lace trimmed dresses. Though the majority of the illustrations are monochrome, the color portion of Strawberry Waltz definitely makes it worth a look!

Strawberry Waltz is B5-sized and 28-pages, with eight illustration pages in color and the rest in black and white. The cover has a shimmering finish. Even though this collection is a few years old, Miyu‘s attention to detail and colorful palette are still present.

The monochrome illustrations are originally black and white and not just gray-scaled color illustrations. The screen tones, shading, and lace details are all adapted with a manga-style quality that really showcases how comfortable Miyu is with working in monochrome as well as color.

Title: Strawberry Waltz
タイトル: Strawberry Waltz
Author: Miyu
Publication Date: 12/31/2009
Size: 28p
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