
Nilitsu – About 18 Songs 22 min read

January 14, 2012 2 min read


Nilitsu – About 18 Songs 22 min read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Nilitsu‘s About 18 Songs 2 is a collection of girls with headphones in a variety of surreal scenes. Every girl is in some way involved with music, through listening to it or playing it, so this short doujinshi has an easy to follow theme.

About 18 Songs 2 is full color, B5-sized and 20-pages–although not every page features an illustration. Some pages feature the sketches and comments for other illustrations, while others are graphic text and messages from the artist.

Nilitsu has a really distinct style, one that especially recognizable in the faces, which have an almost alien-like quality to them. Though Nilitsu‘s art work is still rare to find in commercial collections, there was an illustration from the artist in K-ON! Super Illustrations Vol. 1. There are two more K-ON! illustrations in About 18 Songs 2.

In total, the collection features 14 illustrations. If you like the style, it’s definitely one to get into!

Title: About 18 Songs 2
タイトル: About 18 Songs 2
Author: Nilitsu
Publication Date: 02/20/2011
Size: 20p
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