CARNELIAN – Benigyokuzui Vol. 30
CARNELIAN's Benigyokuzui Vol. 30 is filled with new illustrations and pays tribute to several recent series. It includes art from Blue Exorcist, Tiger & Bunny, No.6, [C]...
CARNELIAN's Benigyokuzui Vol. 30 is filled with new illustrations and pays tribute to several recent series. It includes art from Blue Exorcist, Tiger & Bunny, No.6, [C]...
CARNELIAN released Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 02 for Fancy Frontier 18. After the impressive full-color Version 01, the second volume feels like a disappointment....
Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 01 is CARNELIAN's latest collection. This released at Fancy Frontier 17 in Taiwan. Benigyokuzui Taiwan Version 01 is B5-size and...
CARNELIAN's Benigyokuzui Vol. 17 came out over a year after Benigyokuzui Vol. 15, so I was surprised there weren't any overlap illustrations between the...
After reviewing Benigyokuzui Vol. 27, I was inspired to go back and look through some of CARNELIAN's older doujins, which lead me...
CARNELIAN's Benigyokuzui Vol. 27 is like a product catalog. The majority of illustrations come from merchandise releases. I seldom buy anything other than...
The Eshi 100 Gallery Exhibition opened in the Akihabara UDX building and ran for five days in May. It showcased new illustrations from some of...
Fancy Frontier is a comic convention much like Comic Market, except it's in Taiwan. It attracts a lot of Japanese artists...
Carnelian's newest release Benigyokuzui Vol. 25 is fan art centric, featuring popular characters such as Ranka Lee, Sheryl Nome, and Bayonetta. Unlike Carnelian's previous Benigyokuzui volumes, it's...
CARNELIAN's Benigyokuzui Remix 20-21-22 is the most recent color collection from the artist, not including her Comiket 77 releases. Benigyokuzui Remix is pretty much as the...